Information we like

Merco Talento: we are among the most attractive companies to attract and retain talent in Colombia, in the 2022 edition of MERCO TALENTO we improved 11 positions, moving from position 26 (2021) to position 15 that year.

Merco Talento is a global evaluation of the attractiveness of companies to attract and retain talent, considering the opinion of different audiences and analyzing them comparatively with large companies.

Sustainable mobility: we promote in our companies the use of alternative means of transport such as corporate transport, telecommuting, bicycle, and carpooling, among others, to help reduce the carbon footprint, reduce impacts on the environment, contribute to the mobility of cities and reduce the travel time of our team. These activities are supported by the Appimotion application developed by our subsidiary SIER.

Hybrid work: we are flexible with the needs of our human talent and we facilitate different work practices. This concept articulates work in the office and at home.

  • In 2021 we maintained the highest favorability compared to 76% at the regional level. We achieved a historic result in the leadership index according to Korn Ferry and we are 28 points higher in the effectiveness index, 92% compared to other similar companies in the Colombian market.

    We operate in 7 countries in South America and in Central America with 45 companies and shareholding in 14 companies.

    We are in three businesses: Electric Power, Roads, and Telecommunications: We are the largest energy transmission company in Latin America with more than 48,330 km of transmission infrastructure in operation. 860 km of highways and 56,387 km of fiber optics in operation.

One of the best companies to work for in the region

We are more than 4,500 collaborators who aim to be a benchmark for a diverse and equitable company, we are proud to say that 30% of the directors are women.

Get to know our transversal programs

Jaguar Connection

From Mexico to northern Argentina, across 18 countries and 7 million km2 is the jaguar connection, the largest feline in the Americas. But it is disappearing. With Jaguar Connection we contribute to the mitigation of climate change, protection of this feline, essential for the balance of ecosystems and its associated biodiversity, and support for rural communities in Latin America.

Puma Connection

In Chile, since the jaguar does not exist, we protect the puma, the most adaptable feline that inhabits 28 countries in America, from Canada to the south of this country.

Development Connections

It works under an inspiring purpose: to strengthen educational, community, and institutional capacities with the support of different allies, understanding the particular realities in each country where we have a presence, and putting into practice more than 30 years of experience in social management.

Differents looks

Differences make people unique, nurturing work teams, and provide new perspectives on business and the way things are done. This is how the diversity and inclusion program Otras Miradas was born, which works from three management approaches aimed at protecting fundamental rights: gender, accessibility, and multiculturalism, to promote work environments based on respect and offer equal conditions for access to opportunities and workspaces.


It was born as a strategy for the early attraction of talent with high potential, which stimulates the creation of knowledge, reduces generational change times, and strengthens the employer brand. Designed as an annual cycle of selection, development, and evaluation of young professionals that allows our company to face changes, both due to the technical demands that the loss of critical talent represents, and the environmental conditions that require talent with new capabilities.


For the transformation of society and the protection of the environment.